It is always very exciting when you welcome a new puppy into your home. Here are a few tips to help you puppy-proof your home before you welcome the new puppy.

The first tip is that you will want to move electrical cords, phone/tablet chargers included, to somewhere the puppy cannot reach them. You could also try cord concealers. You do not want your puppy chewing on these, to prevent electrical shock or burns to your puppy.

The second tip is to check around your home for small items that may be choking hazards to your puppies. Examples of small choking hazards could be jewelry, paper clips, hair accessories, and coins.

Another tip you will want to do is to secure all garbage cans. Puppies will be attracted to garbage smells and will try to investigate. Make sure that your garbage can also has a top, so that your puppy cannot access the garbage, which may contain poisonous foods for puppies. Keeping that in mind, you will also need to move poisonous plants out of the reach of puppies.

These few tips will help you to puppy-proof your home to get ready to welcome home that new puppy, and will also help you to keep your puppy safe.

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