Many people dread cleaning their windows because it can take forever to clean all your windows and it’s hard to get them streak-free. Here are a few suggestions to making your window washing chore go faster and to get those windows streak-free.
The first suggestion is to always wash your windows on a cloudy and cool day. If you wash windows on a sunny day, the sun will dry your cleaner quicker, leaving streaks.
Another suggestion is to use a squeegee to clean your windows. A squeegee will help you to clean your windows faster and will help you to reduce the streaks. Try to get a more professional squeegee because they work better than the cheaper plastic squeegees.
The last suggestion is that if you have a lot of dirt or bug guts on your windows, try using newspaper to wipe off your cleaner. You will be surprised how well the newspaper will get rid of those dirt spots and it will also leave your windows streak-free.
These are just a few suggestions to help get your window washing chore done faster and to get those windows streak-free. Hopefully, these suggestions will make washing windows a less dreaded chore.

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