Building an addition can be a very exciting time. There may be some negative things that pop up while building your addition that you may not have thought of. Here are a few of those negative things and how to keep everyone safe.

One negative thing about building an addition is that you may need to sacrifice your plants and grass around the building site. This area may be a much greater amount of area than you originally thought. Also, if your pet is allowed to normally run free, they may need to be restrained while outside or moved to another area while the building is taking place. You will also need to keep your pets and children away from the building site because there could be nails and other small pieces of building material laying on the ground. The last negative thing about building an addition is that there will be a lot of noise. So try to plan some away time with your pets and small children, or move to an area of the house that is furthest from the noise.

These are just a few negative things that may pop up while building your addition.

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