Hummingbirds can only be found in the Americas, so we have the unique privilege of being able to watch hummingbirds. Here are a few tips to help you to care for your hummingbird feeder, and keep the hummingbirds coming back.
The first tip is to regularly clean your hummingbird feeder. Clean your hummingbird feeder once a week during cooler weather, and twice a week during hotter weather. You will be surprised how quickly your feeder will start to collect dirt and mold, which can be very harmful to hummingbirds and their babies. You can use a bottle brush or even a pipe cleaner to clean your feeder if you do not have a hummingbird feeder brush.
Another tip is to make your own hummingbird feeder food. You do not need to buy expensive hummingbird feeder food. Heat up, but do not boil, a solution of one part sugar to four parts water. Once the sugar is dissolved, remove it from the heat and allow the solution to cool. Then, pour it into your feeder. You do not need to add any food coloring to your solution, the hummingbirds will still come to your feeder.
These are just a few tips to keep your hummingbird feeder clean and to keep the hummingbirds healthy.

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