Many people today are opting for a glass-topped electric stovetop because it can be easy to clean. Here are a few ways to help you clean your glass-topped stovetop.

The first way you will want to clean your glass-topped stovetop is to wipe it down after each use with a damp cloth. You could also lightly spray vinegar first before wiping it down if you need a little bit of a cleaner.

Another way to clean those tougher spills and stains is to use a natural cleaner, which is made up of vinegar and baking soda. When the glass-topped stovetop is cool, spray vinegar on the stovetop, and then generously sprinkle baking soda on top. Next wet a towel with hot water, wring out the excess and place this on top of the vinegar and baking soda. Wait 10-15 minutes, and then remove the towel. Then wipe down the stovetop with a clean microfiber cloth. Lightly spray again with vinegar and then wipe the area down again with a clean microfiber cloth until the streaks are removed. Repeat these steps until your spill or stain is removed.

These are just a few ways to help you clean your glass-topped electric stovetop and to help you to keep it looking its best.

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